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Antworten: 2
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Beiträge 26
# Thema - 15.03.2010 um 18:58 Uhr
Hey leutz....
Leider waren wir sehr inaktiv...dies wird sich aber ändern....
Wir werden auf jedenfall Ts3 benutzen..ich werde die Tage auch mal ins Mumble kommen.
Wie manche wissen baue ich immoment wieder festes Lineup auf...
Unser Ziel ist die Lan in Dänemark.

Some Infos:

There are plans in the making for a LAN event in Denmark featuring Enemy Territory and Call of Duty 4. I was asked by the organizers to get a feedback on general interest by the community espacially the ET scene, hence this post. To give you more information about the event here is a list of facts.

Name: TBA
Date: October 15-17, 2010
Location: Aalborg, Denmark (Click)
Prize purse: €5.000
Entry fees: No exact fee determined yet but not more than CiC7
Structure: Groupstage + Double Elimination
Accomodation: Discount at a nearby Hotel (cheaper than the CiC7 bunkers)
Travel: Train, Car, (Plane)
Conditions: At least 10 ET teams needed to make it happen

The event is aimed to be more of a community event rather than being a pure competition tournament. To go more into detail with the prize ditribution, it will be different to what we know from CiC7 for example. For each win a team will receive a special amount of money. The first two teams of a group get money as well as any winner of a play-off match. The total prize money is variable as more attending teams mean more prize money. About the accomodation I was told that the hotel is about 2km away from the venue and busses are driving each 15 minutes. Regarding the train travellers, there is a special train taking off from Hamburg dedicated for this event where the players will recive 20% discount on the trainticket.

More information regarding the event will be published later with the official announcement. Now as already said this news is written to get an overview on how many teams would be interested in going there. If your team would like to go there post your team name with the country's flag so I can add you to the list.

Btw: Virus und Ich wir rocken nun wieder die 2on2 liga fürs erste....

New Infos coming soon

greez polo

ET 4 Life
greez vPROJECT.polo


Try to beat me

Beiträge 103
# Antwort: 1 - 16.03.2010 um 18:25 Uhr
mal sehen, ob ihr dann eure "2. Lan" besucht



Beiträge 26
# Antwort: 2 - 16.03.2010 um 19:47 Uhr
flpppppppppppppppppppusssssssssss....... ..heute abend mumble actionn

ET 4 Life
greez vPROJECT.polo

Antworten: 2
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